
Not sure it gets better than having one of your quotes get higher billing than Frank Sinatra.

The strange and wacky world of the Internet means that the lines of communication have grown shorter, the distance between us less intimidating.  Sometimes the stuff you write even finds its way before the eyes of its subject – and they’re good enough to respond in kind.  Some of the amazing responses I’ve received:

“Wow, what an incredible review.  Thank you!” – Tony Bennett, for Tony Bennett Keeps the Music Playing (Huffington Post version)

“Every now and then someone gets it right.  Thank you, Graham.”  – Canadian Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, for Justin Trudeau vs. the Concern Trolls

“Wow.  Thank you.”  – Rob Lowe, for God Save Sam Seaborn

“nice piece” – Amanda Palmer, for The scale of Schadenfreude

“Thank you for the lovely review!” – Emilie-Claire Barlow, for Painting with Notes:  Emilie-Claire Barlow live

“Thanks so much for giving me such a wonderful write-up!  I’m so glad you got what I was trying to convey and I hope it has changed your own approach to writing.  This inspires me!” – Writer-director Alan Denman, for Finding the why

“Thank you for capturing the essence of my presentation so well. I really appreciate that you took the time to share this and how well you wrote it.” – Sgt. Tim Burrows, for The importance of being human:  Social Mix 2012

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